In what you do you show who you are

An important project for the Netherlands. Investing in infrastructure. Highly ranked on the political and social agenda. Now is the time for addressing the issues and taking action. Three construction companies and Rijkswaterstaat take on the challenge to make it happen. Full throttle at the start. In practice, the original plan and day-to-day reality prove to be miles apart. The costs are far higher than expected. And the planning is unrealistic. Tensions are increasing. The project lost its rhythm. The question 'how to proceed' is on the table. Right next to the other question: 'do we proceed'. The key players get together to find a way forward. While teaming up was no longer self-evident,  it is possible.

"Norbert always said: ‘In what you do you show who you are’.  Finding the best way to participate in a meeting is not the aim. What you achieve is what matters. Steering in that direction. Attending a meeting could fit in along the way. Yet it cannot be the main thing."

Key elements

With our partners and clients, we looked for the heart of our business. What elements (and when and why) are at the core of our joint success?


Personal contacts are the foundation. Here we find opportunities. Not just service delivery.  No endless tenders. We stand united. We stand for what we want to achieve. In a crucial coalition. And ensure it will flourish.

“Everything starts when people meet each other. People who actually see each other, recognize something, have a bond. It's about a real connection. The quality of the encounter and the bonding thereafter as the foundation for performance."


Getting aboard in regard to what needs to be done - without hesitation. And starting with a shared point of view. As it is essential to have a mutual fascination for what lies ahead and to experience similar challenges. With the aim to ensure it remains this way, all the way.

"A target is not a full stop, but an areato be explored."


Adjusting as a core task. Carefully looking at the effects and determining the next step, again and again.  Lessons learned are integrated whenever possible in what lies ahead. Both flexible and driven.

“The freedom to function is not found in word games or in any theory. It only exists in practice, this freedom. Thus, you do engage as needed with the headquarter, a steering committee or a controller. You stand up for what you believe in. Always and consistently."

About us


A good sense for what is happening.  Energetically starts to work. With attention to working together on results and impact. Opening up opportunities for the growth of people and organisation. Involved from start to finish. Continues to explore how everyone and everything is appreciated. Clearly pointing out which decisions lie ahead. And wich consequences we will have to face.

+32 4 71 87 91 39

Douwe Edwin

A good sense for what is happening. Responds to the situation at hand. Posing questions to create insight. In an inspired way practical. Sharp and direct. Shaping a process so that progress, connection and excellence are central. Involved in the demands on people to realize what is needed. Working together to achieve results is his motivation and goal.

+31 6 53 48 48 77